My Journaling Essentials

Currently I am journaling in a personal size blank notebook which I cut down from the Midori refill 003.  It is a nice blank paper that can handle stamps, distress ink, water color and fountain pen.  I am not a huge decorative girl and depending on how creative I feel for the day, I will choose how to layout the page.  Usually I go with the easy route, washi and colored pen. 

Here is what I need to have round me when I am journaling
  1. Black or blue ink pen:  Currently I am favoring  Pilot Metropolitan fine nib fountain pen
  2. Metal Ruler:  to write straight and use as a guide to cut if necessary
  3. Polaroid Zip Photo printer.  I LOVE this little guy! I compared the photo print quality with my cannon printer and surprisingly, the quality of polaroid is actually better than my Cannon.  Note my Cannon is Model # MG5230 ink jet, not the selfphy. 
  4. Exacto-Knife 
  5. Different designs of washi
  6. Scissor
  7. White out
  8. Cutting board
Document your life and journal on~




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